A 228 for James Payne and Jazlyn to win the 2024 NCHA Super Stakes
Leading the way into a clean-slate finals, James Payne and Jazlyn put up one more big score to win the National Cutting Horse Association (NCHA) Super Stakes Open for owner Kathleen Moore.
“There was a little bit of pressure because I knew that she was peaking at the right time and there was a little nerve there,” Payne said. “It was a little nerve wracking because it’s like, you’re wanting to find the perfect cows and show your horse off and I wasn’t real sure that they were there.”
Jazlyn, by EquiStat Elite $1.5 Million Sire Hashtags and out of MK Cats Kitty ( by Spots Hot), just kept getting better throughout the week. She marked a 217 in the first go with Payne and a 218.5 in the second to advance to the semi finals. On Wednesday, from the twentieth draw, she marked a 224 to lead the 21 advancing horses into the finals. The roan mare, bred by Slate River Ranch, has shown promise for a while now and Payne was ecstatic that it all came together at the Will Roger’s Coliseum.
“It started off rough but everybody’s struggled with these cows,” Payne said. “As the open has ended though things just kind of fit.”
Coming from the first draw of the second set of finals Payne had his pick of the cows. It paid off, the pair marked a stunning 228 and the score held through ten more horses.
Behind the Scenes
As everybody knows, it takes a village, and Payne has one just the right size.
“I want to thank all my help in the show pen Lloyd (Cox), Casey (Green), John Michell, Shawn Flynn. I want to thank all my help at the house that helps me keep things going and because I’ve gotten in trouble before I’d like to thank my wife Nadine, and Kathleen because she’s like the best owner ever,” Payne added.
Moore purchased the mare as a yearling, and she’s been in Payne’s training program basically ever since.
Next, Jazlyn will have about a week and a half to take advantage of some turnout time before they head to Tulsa, OK for the Breeders Invitational.
Quarter Horse News | by Amy Olson | View article on QHN